Dear Patients,
We would like to remind you that Sport Medicum operates in 3 different locations in Krakow:
1) Rogozińskiego Street 6/LU6
(close to Grzegórzeckie Roundabout.
Graffit House building, ground floor. The entrance to the building is on the left of the Biedronka supermarket)
2) Podskale Street 18/LU6
(close to Matecznego Roundabout. The ground floor of the Dom przy Źródle building located at the front of Kalwaryjska Street)
3) Szuwarowa Street 1/LU12
(next to Cascada sports facility located in Ruczaj.
Entrance is on the left of Santander Bank)
When booking an appointment please ensure that the required specialist is available at your preferrable facility.
Thank you!
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