The treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

Dear Patients,

We are happy to inform you that the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome is now available at our facilities. The procedure is performed by MD Dawid SobańskI.

Carpal tunel syndrome is the functional impairement of the median nerve which is the consequence of a chronic pressure. The condition is manifested by pain and numbness in fingers, usually at night. Once the situation becomes unbearable and both farmacological and physiotherapeutical treatments don’t bring the desired effects, it is recommended to undergo a prodecure which will expand the space in the carpal tunnel by the incision of the transverse carpal ligament.

In order to diagnose the abovementioned condition we invite you to book an appointment with MD Dawid Sobański who will discuss the treatment and schedule one, going through all its details.

Call us at (+48) 690 040 903

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